Anomalies of dental development - symptoms and treatment

11/24/2017 As you know, a person’s teeth grow twice throughout their life. By the age of 6-7 years, the primary bite is fully formed; by the age of 12-13 years, “children’s teeth” are replaced by “adult teeth” - by this time the formation of a permanent bite is completed. Somewhat later, up to the age of 20, 4 more “wisdom” teeth may grow. Their name reflects the late period of growth. They are the last in the row, but very often there is not enough space for them and their growth is associated with many problems.

Life cycle of teeth

Almost all the organs of our body are formed in the womb. Teeth are no exception. Already at the age of 6 weeks, the rudiments of the first teeth appear in the fetus: 10 pieces each. on the upper and lower jaw. Total - 20 small “buds”. This is the future milk bite.

See an interesting infographic about what kind of life our teeth live, and immediately after - in more detail about each stage and useful tips on how to preserve your teeth until old age.
Life cycle of teeth

BirthA child is born with fully formed tooth buds - they are located just under the surface of the gums. It is also interesting that some babies are already born with one or more teeth
2-3 monthsThe baby begins to cut his first teeth. This is a rather unpleasant process, which is accompanied by excessive salivation, pain, deterioration of the child’s mood, and refusal to eat. In addition, during teething, local immunity is significantly reduced, which increases the risk of developing a viral infection. This explains the frequent increase in temperature during this period.
6-14 monthsTeeth begin to appear. The lower incisors grow first, then the upper ones. In total, the child should grow 20 pieces, including 2 multi-root chewing ones on each side - this will be the milk bite
6-7 yearsAt this time, “baby” teeth begin to fall out. There is a change from a milk bite to a permanent one
12-13 years oldThe period of complete completion of the formation of a permanent dentition. By this age, the milky ones should fall out completely, and permanent ones should grow in their place. Helping teeth fall out in most situations is not required - this is a natural and physiological process that does not require third-party intervention. But it’s still worth seeing a doctor: it’s important to monitor both the wound and the process as a whole
17-21 years oldDuring this period, “wisdom teeth” – the furthest ones in the row – may grow. There are 4 of them in total. There were no dairy predecessors in their place, so they have to pave the way on their own. In addition, they grow at a time when the bone tissue is fully formed and very hard. That is why their growth is associated with such problems as pain, acute inflammation of the mucous membrane, incorrect position in the row and even retention (the tooth does not erupt, forms and remains completely in the bone tissue)
20 years and olderStarting at this age (and if there are problems with the body or when playing dangerous sports, even earlier), we begin to lose teeth. In the absence or poor hygiene, with poor nutrition, and the appearance of diseases of many organs and systems of the body, the enamel becomes weaker and is subject to attack by bacteria. With age, the amount of saliva decreases - and it is this that is a natural means of cleansing plaque. This is largely why teeth and gums become more susceptible to decay. It is also worth remembering that not only dental diseases, but also problems with gums lead to loss.

How teeth erupt

The procedure for teething in infants and adults is the same, with the difference that the teething is more painful. In addition, when the time comes for permanent teeth to appear (at age six), a child can already talk, endure pain, and is not capricious like a baby.

By the way. Sometimes on the gum, before the tooth should appear, a tubercle swells, as if filled with liquid. In fact, this is the gum tissue softening, allowing the tooth germ to emerge to the surface. If the tubercle is large, you can consult a doctor so that he can release the fluid and make eruption easier.

It is not necessary that your baby will feel unwell and pain when teething, but this happens in 2/3 of children, so you should prepare for the appearance of teeth and keep the process under control.

  1. When baby teeth appear, the temperature may rise, cough, runny nose and other cold symptoms may appear.

  2. The baby will experience increased salivation during this period.

  3. He will try to “scratch” the gums to relieve the discomfort.

  4. There may be signs of intestinal upset, diarrhea, constipation, and loss of appetite.

There's no need to worry. If you have symptoms of teething, you need to stock up on medications that will alleviate the baby’s condition, be patient, and show love and affection.


There is a natural order of appearance of teeth, which is determined by nature. By the end of the first year of life, the child should have eight teeth. And by the time he turns three, he’s twenty, forced to change. The rest, which will begin to grow at the age of six, although they are the first, are not going to fall out.

The pattern of appearance of primary teeth is normal.

  1. The very first to appear, on average at the age of 5-6 months, are the lower incisors, located in the center of the jaw. The latest date for their release is 9 months.

  2. In the seventh month and up to the tenth month inclusive, the upper central incisors should appear.

  3. Up to the 13th month, the upper lateral incisors are cut, followed by the lower lateral incisors.

By the way. The pattern of teething in a child under two years old fits into the formula: the number six is ​​subtracted from the child’s age, which is taken in months. The result is the number of teeth that should grow by this period. After two years, tooth growth does not comply with this formula.

Table. Eruption of primary teeth

LocationAge (in months)
Central incisors from below6-9
Central incisors from above7-10
Lateral incisors from above9-13
Lateral incisors from below10-16
Premolars at the top12-15
Premolars below13-17
Fangs above and below18-21
Molars above and below20-30

Interesting Facts

Enamel color

The natural color of enamel can be absolutely anything and it is extremely rare that it is snow-white. As a rule, the enamel is slightly yellowish or grayish. In children, teeth may even have a bluish tint, which indicates the presence of a large pulp and its close location to the enamel

About a child's first teeth

Some babies may be born with one or even more teeth, which form in the womb. It also doesn’t matter the age when the baby’s first teeth appear – at three or ten months. The main thing is that, in general, the milk bite is formed completely and correctly.

About the important role of baby teeth

Milk teeth serve primarily as the basis for permanent ones - they literally pave the way for them. If the first teeth grow straight, it is not at all necessary that the subsequent ones will grow as well. However, the opposite situation is also possible, so the formation and growth of all teeth should be monitored under the supervision of the attending physician.

About wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth may not erupt – this is a completely normal and fairly common occurrence. Whether to remove or leave grown ones depends on their condition: if they only bring discomfort, in the presence of caries or pulpitis it is extremely difficult to cure them, it is quite possible to sacrifice such teeth, since they do not bear any functional load

About oral hygiene

According to statistics, only 57% of women and 46% of men cleanse twice a day. The rest periodically skip such an important procedure, which allows you to effectively cope with plaque and thereby protect the enamel and gums from attack by harmful bacteria.

About using dental floss

According to research, today only 50% of the population flosses daily. Meanwhile, this is an excellent way to prevent many dental diseases: it is the floss that effectively cleans the interdental spaces from food debris and plaque. Today, the only alternative to thread can be an irrigator - a brush cannot cope with such narrow spaces

Location and anatomical features of molars

Since man is an omnivore, for a healthy metabolism he needs different foods, including rough, animal, and plant foods. In order for the body to absorb it, you need to chew the food well, which is what molars do. Their chewing area reaches 1 cm2. Each such organ can withstand pressure of up to 70-75 kilograms. In total, there are up to 12 such units in the oral cavity of an adult. Six of them are located on the lower jaw, six on the upper jaw, three on each side.

The last elements in the series are the third molars. They are also called wisdom teeth. They cut through in adults, and often may not cut through at all. Their roots can have two, three or more branches. The size of the crowns of molar units can reach from 7 millimeters, in some organs up to nine. Their chewing surface is diamond-shaped with rounded corners. It has four tubercles, which are separated by 3 grooves located transversely. Classification of roots:

  • palatal;
  • buccal-distal;
  • buccal-mesial;

The last type of roots is the largest. The palatine root belongs to the middle ones. The shortest in size is the buccal-distal. Each subsequent molar unit is endowed with smaller roots and a crown portion than the previous one. The first molar organs are large, their coronal surface is significant in area, and the size of the roots is the largest. The second units are already smaller in size. The extreme units do not have milk precursors. Their root length and crown size vary significantly. Usually, there are 3 tubercles on the crown, one of which is lingual and 2 buccal. As a rule, their roots are not too long, but they are often displaced and deviated to the side. Wise teeth can come into contact with 2 antagonists at the same time. This is considered normal.

On the upper jaw

The top row has its own characteristics and differences. Their main aspect is location. They form a straight line that is only slightly curved and diverges to the sides. The slope of the units increases from the first to the third segment. In addition, in the upper teeth:

  1. Larger in size than the organs located in the lower jaw;
  2. The root system is more powerful, it has three roots;
  3. The tooth surface area is extensive;
  4. Good ability to chop and chew food;
  5. The outer side is covered with sharp tubercles with protruding forms, there are 3 or more of them;

The second molars of the upper row in the coronal part are similar to the first molar units, although they are more massive and rectangular. They are easier to dissect. The roots are usually grouped, sometimes merging with each other. The canals, which are parallel, often overlap each other when X-rays are taken. The roots are shorter compared to previous teeth. The three mouths often form a flat triangle, less often a straight line. The convex bottom of the chamber gives the mouths a funnel shape. It happens that the channels to the bottom of the chamber bend at a very acute angle.

Rarely do the upper posterior units have four roots. The first molar large organ of the upper jaw is equipped with more powerful roots than its lower antagonist. The peculiarity of the second molar teeth is that their crown can have any shape, while the lower ones can only have a certain shape. Properties of the shape of the upper units: cubic, regular, with a clear cross-shaped groove that divides the surface into four parts. The eights that are located on top are smaller in size than the bottom ones. In addition, they can develop from 1 to 4 or more roots.

On the lower jaw

Molars on the chewing side have tubercles, as well as fissures, that is, grooves. They can be shaped like cones, drops, or grooves. Reliefs are formed during the formation of organ rudiments. Since they grind food, there is a high risk of caries. To avoid such a pathology, it is necessary to seal the fissures. The procedure prevents food particles from getting into the grooves. In addition, sealants nourish the enamel layer with fluoride, helping it become healthier. To achieve maximum effectiveness, the session is carried out immediately when the units erupt, or within 12 months.

The molar organs of the lower row differ from the segments of the upper jaw. Their features:

  • Such units have a different anatomical structure.
  • They most often have 3 canals and 2 roots.
  • They are smaller in size than their antagonists.
  • The number of tubercles varies from three to six.
  • The distal and medial roots are parallel.
  • Root fusion is often diagnosed.
  • The crown of the first unit has the shape of a cube, it is slightly elongated in the direction of the dentition.
  • The most posterior wise crowns are always large in size, they are larger than the upper ones.
  • As a rule, they have two roots that can grow together into one.
  • The fissure tubercles are lower, blunt, and have a rounded shape.

The bottom row is located almost in a straight line. The crowns are inclined in the opposite direction than on the upper segment. Because of this, when the jaw bones are closed, the upper row is superimposed on the units of the lower jaw with a slight shift outward. The crowns of the 2nd molar tooth are slightly smaller than the coronal part of the first unit. The approximal surfaces are located almost parallel. They taper slightly at the neck. The vestibular surface is divided into 2 parts by a rather deep notch.

Useful tips on how to preserve teeth from childhood

The most important requirements are regular hygiene and preventive examinations at the dentist.
It is very important for parents to develop the right habit in their child from childhood in order to maintain it for the rest of his life and protect his teeth from many dental problems. How to save teeth from childhood

First visit to the dentistThe first visit to the dentist with your baby is necessary at the age of one year in order to make sure that the first teeth are growing and growing correctly. It is better to carry out medical examinations every six months, and after three years - every 3-4 months. This is explained by the fact that the tissues of baby teeth are quite soft and carious processes spread extremely quickly.
First visit to the orthodontistYou should visit an orthodontist for the first time at the age of 3-4 years. At this time, you can make the first attempts to correct the position of the jaws and elements of the dentition. Naturally, if there are serious congenital malocclusion pathologies, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible
When to start brushing your child's teethHygienic procedures must be carried out from the moment the very first tooth appears. Many parents believe that cleaning can be neglected while the baby is on breast milk or until his firstborns are fully grown. But this is not so: the first teeth need especially careful hygiene - the growth and formation of a permanent bite largely depends on them. At the first stage, you can use a soft silicone cap, after 1-1.5 years - a baby brush with soft bristles, as well as a special paste selected according to age
Should a child get dentures?Baby teeth not only need to be treated, but also replaced with children's dentures if they were removed too early. This will allow you to maintain the position of the others in the row and thereby form the correct permanent bite.
How often should you use a toothbrush?You need to clean with a brush and paste 2 times a day: before breakfast and before bed, after all meals. In between, you need to use dental floss, irrigator and mouth rinse.
How often should you visit the dentist?Adults need to visit a doctor every six months. Firstly, to examine the condition of the entire oral cavity, identifying problems at an early stage. Secondly, for comprehensive hygiene, which will better clean the enamel and gums from plaque

When do the first primary molars appear?

Molar teeth appear early in children. After a tubercle grows on the gum, little white spots appear. The milk molar organ appears between 1 and 2.5 years. They erupt painfully. By this time, the children’s chewing reflex has already developed. Children immediately use these chewing organs, because the consumption of solid foods without them was problematic. Tough food speeds up the process of jaw formation.

The deciduous bite contains eight molar units. Although the organs are located behind the fangs, they appear earlier from them. They come out in pairs. The chewing organ in the bottom row is shown first. Behind it appears a unit on the upper jaw. Second primary molars appear after 2 years of age. Sometimes it happens a little later or earlier. Dentists consider this normal. In order not to miss pathologies, if teething occurs later or earlier, it is worth showing the baby to a pediatrician and dentist. Deviation from the generally accepted pattern may be due to heredity or genetic predisposition.

The activity of the appearance of units increases by 24 months, that is, during the period of emergence of the second temporary chewing organs. The whole set appears by 30 months. Teeth replacement usually begins at age five and continues until age twelve. Molar units change the fastest. The order of replacement is the opposite of the pattern of appearance. Bone elements can grow in the free space that appears due to the fact that the jaw has grown. The first signs of loss of a time unit are swaying. You should wait until the rudiment falls out on its own. If it is removed, the permanent unit may appear in the wrong place, causing displacement of the masticatory organs.

Symptoms of appearance

Since the first molars are the largest rudiments, their chewing surface is extensive and their roots are large. Therefore, all mothers and fathers remember their birth, because they come out painfully. Only some babies do not experience discomfort. But this is a rare case. In other situations, many problems arise. Main symptoms:

  • Rapid swelling of the gums.
  • Increased salivation.
  • The little ones become very restless.
  • Sleep gets worse.
  • Kids refuse to eat.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • If the body's defenses are reduced, a runny nose may appear.
  • Sometimes babies suffer from diarrhea.

When tubercles with sharp edges sharply break through the gum tissue, babies suffer greatly from this. It happens that at the same time the growth of fangs begins. And these are the most painful sensations. The main symptom of the appearance of permanent units is the growth of the jaw, which entails the appearance of free spaces behind the temporary rudiments. At this point, permanent chewing organs will emerge. Gaps also appear between teeth. They ensure the even position of the indigenous bone organs.

To alleviate the condition of the little ones, pediatric dentists prescribe painkillers that will not cause harm to the body, and special rings for massaging the gums. A tasty syrup for toddlers is often recommended. When temporary rudiments change to permanent ones, the child needs to rinse his mouth. If the wound is bleeding, a soda solution will help. When severe swelling appears, the baby should be shown to the dentist. Dangerous complications can be avoided if you regularly visit the dentist and take good care of your oral cavity.

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